Climbing the mountain to achieve success is never easy. It is a trying time; pushing you out of your comfort zone, but giving you the opportunity to grow and achieve! Prüvit Legend, Michael Beal, knows about climbing this mountain very well. We sat down with him to get his story, and he even shared some tips that helped get him there.
From a young age, Mike knew the status quo was not for him. Going to college, getting a job, and having someone else determine his worth and dictate the value he should trade his time for was not going to be in his books. Mike wanted to create something for himself; he wanted to be a part of something BIGGER – something that would change people’s lives.
Enter, Prüvit.
Mike received a call from his good friend, Brian Underwood, a few years ago about this up and coming technology. Once seeing what is now KETO//OS® in person, it was a no-brainer for Mike to be on the forefront of this movement! It all started with just a few people in Newport Beach, California, yet his team took the Ketone Conversation by STORM. They have grown their community by hundreds of thousands of people and millions of experiences.
“I thought I was doing the right thing before Prüvit. I thought I had a pretty good grip on what health and nutrition were and, boy, was I wrong. [Being a part of Pruvit] has made me connect with a lot of like-minded people. It put me in a position where I could help people like myself, and surround myself with those that want to make the change and want to be a part of something that’s bigger than themselves and everything.”
It goes without saying that Mike has learned quite a bit while growing his Prüvit Community. In his words, he has learned to be consistent and believe in yourself. There will always be doubters and those rooting against you, but you have to keep plowing forward towards what you want for you life. Also,
“You have to be growing. Leaders are learners. Every day you have to be learning something different. Invest back in yourself, because the more you invest in yourself, the more valuable you become to other people around you. Have something to strive for each and every day. A lot of people get complacent; they just sit still and feel like they’ve made it, and then they get bored with life and they’re not fulfilled and everything. You’re moving forward or you’re moving backward, there’s no sitting still in this business!”
Mike’s Tips for YOU to Grow & Achieve
Be uniquely yourself! Embrace who you are and what makes you “weird”. People will relate to YOU, not a persona you think is relatable.
Care about other people. We all know the power of a good friend and sincere conversations. Be THAT for your team.
Ask questions! You don’t know something? That’s fine! Ask questions and learn about it!
Make sure you support your team through challenges they encounter; you don’t have to solve the challenges for them but use your experience to be a guide for them!
Mike is a country boy from a small town in central Missouri. He has a HUGE heart, motivated by helping others. he is motivated by helping others and loves that he is able to do this is every way with Prüvit. He lives by the motto- “If you do the right thing, the money will always come!” In his free time, Mike LOVES playing basketball and working out, going to the Lake of Ozarks and boating with his family, and is a self proclaimed adrenaline junkie – he enjoys high performance vehicles.
Like many of us, Mike is a parent! Knowing the sweet spot of balance between nurturing your family and your business is learned over time. Mike says he sets boundaries with work and family. Although growing your business requires a lot of you, so does your family! He values the time he has his with family and makes the most of each experience. You will never regret making memories and spending time with your family.
“I am also incredibly thankful that Prüvit has allowed me the freedom to make memories with my family everyday, all day. I am now able to provide the security for my children that I never had. I am truly blessed and honored to have this platform to help so many people through Prüvit and exogenous ketones. Everyday, I pursue BETTER!”